Welcome to Corporate Horoscopes!  Companies are artificial persons. Here the Creator’s role is, of course,  played by the Law and humans.  In this 21st century, more than the nation states, corporate actions are effecting our daily lives: the work we do to make a living, how we commute and what we consume and what we pay and how we pay. So, its high time we did take a close look at these corporate entities and the real human material that is behind the accepted facade. This site is an attempt to look at the corporate persons and the people who run them through the vantage point of the principles of astrology.


As the landscape changes fast and furious, survival and growth hinges on making sense of it, as it happens.  New tools and apps do keep popping up.  Astrology held its humble place through the ages. Monarchies morphed into democracies. The strings are always in strong hands. Let us look at those powerful hands.